BlueGraph API

bluegraph package

BlueGraph’s API is built upon 4 main packages:

  • bluegraph.core package provides the exchange data structure for graph representation that serves as the input to graph processors based on different backends (PGFrame), as well as basic interfaces for different graph analytics and embedding classes (MetricProcessor, PathFinder, CommunityDetector, GraphElementEmbedder, etc).

  • bluegraph.backends package collects implementation of various graph processing and analytics interfaces for different graph backends (for example, NXPathFinder for path search capabilities provided by NetworkX, Neo4jCommunityDetector for community detection methods provided by Neo4j, etc).

  • bluegraph.preprocess package contains utils for preprocessing property graphs (e.g. SemanticPGEncoder for encoding node/edge properties as numerical vectors, CooccurrenceGenerator for generation and analysis of co-occurrence relations in PGFrames.)

  • bluegraph.downstream package provides a set of utils for various downstream tasks based on vector representations of graphs and graph elements (for example, NodeSimilarityProcessor for building and querying node similarity indices based on vector representation of nodes, EdgePredictor for predicting true and false edges of the graph based on vector representation of its nodes, EmbeddingPipeline for stacking pipelines of graph preprocessing, embedding, similarity index building, etc).

Main components of BlueGraph’s API are illustrated in the following diagram:

BlueGraph components