Interactive graph visualization application

class cord19kg.apps.visualization_app.VisualizationApp(configs=None)

JupyterDash-based interactive graph visualization app.

add_graph(graph_id, graph, tree=None, positions=None, default_top_n=None, full_graph_view=False)

Set a graph to display.

  • graph_id (str) – Graph identifier to use in the app

  • graph_object (PandasPGFrame) – Input graph object

  • tree_object (PandasPGFrame, optional) – Pre-computed minimum spanning tree object

  • positions (dict, optional) – Dictionary containing pre-computed node positions

  • default_top_n (int, optional) – Top n entities to display by default

  • full_graph_view (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether the current graph should be displayed as a spanning tree or entirely (spanning tree is shown by default)


Export current graph objects from the app.


graph_list (list of str) – List of graph identifiers to export


graphs – Dictionary whose keys represent the input list of graph identifiers to export. Eeach graph is given by a dictionary with two keys: graph giving the full graph object and tree giving the minimum spanning tree object.

Return type:



Get current app configs.


Export the history of graph edits.

run(port, mode='jupyterlab', debug=False, inline_exceptions=False)

Run the graph visualization app.

  • port (int) – Port number to launch the app (localhost:<port>).

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode in which the app should be launched. Possible values: inline inside the current Jupyter notebook, external given an external link that can be opened in a browser, jupyterlab as a new tab of JupyterLab.

  • debug (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether the app is launched in the debug mode (traceback will be printed).

  • inline_exceptions (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether app exceptions should be printed in the current active notebook cell.


Set the aggegated entities lookup callback.

This function will be called when the user requests to see a set of raw entities associated with a selected node. The visualization app will pass the selected entity to this function. The function is expected to return a dictionary whose keys are raw entities and whose values are their occurrence frequencies.


Set graph processing backend (currently, ‘networkx’ or ‘graph_tool’).


Set current graph.


graph_id (str) – Graph identifier to set as the current graph.


Set the lookup dictionary for entity definitions.


Set the paper lookup callback.

This function will be called when the user requests to see a list of papers associated with a selected node or an edge. The visualization app will pass the list of paper indentifiers to this function. The function is expected to return a list of dictionaries each representing a paper’s meta-data.

cord19kg.apps.visualization_app.top_n_subgraph(graph_processor, n, node_subset=None, nodes_to_keep=None)

Build a subgraph with top n nodes.